Common Questions

What equipment do you bring to the birth?

-Most important, a doppler or fetoscope to monitor the baby’s heartbeat.

-Oxygen with masks, nasal cannulas and oxygen tubing

-Resuscitation equipment

-Delees, a long tube to suction extra mucous from the baby if necessary

-Gloves, sterile and non-sterile

-Instruments for cutting the umbilical cord

-Herbs to use in labor or immediate postpartum

-Some essential oils and massage oil

-Medications used for hemorrhage (pitocin and methergine)

-Suturing equipment and lidocaine for numbing

-Blood pressure cuff

-Scale and measuring tape to weigh and measure baby

-Newborn medications- vitamin k and erythromycin (eye ointment)

-Syringes and alcohol wipes

-Heating pad to warm baby blankets


-A loving, calm and caring attitude

What supplies do I need for a homebirth?

-A birth kit that includes: 24 large underpads, non-sterile gauze pads, olive oil, dried comfrey leaf, cord clamp, flexible straws, garbage bag, freezer bag, peri bottle

-Sanitary napkins or Depends

-Plastic sheet or shower curtain to protect your mattress

-Tarps or plastic to protect your floor

-3-5 towels for the baby (more if you are planning a waterbirth)

-2-4 quart sauce pan for boiling water

-Coconut water or juice of your choice

-Food you would like to eat in labor

-Birth tub liner, if you are considering a waterbirth

Who should choose homebirth?

Healthy, low-risk women who have a strong commitment to giving birth naturally. A woman who wants to take responsibility for her own birth by doing research on birth procedures and who wants to be part of the decision making process. She should feel very comfortable having her baby with the love of a midwife and the comfort of her own home.

Will my insurance cover homebirth?

If you have a PPO, I would be happy to provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company.

What about complications?

A midwife is trained to notice potential problems before they occur. She will use natural remedies and other techniques to try to prevent the problem. kIf for some reason the complication cannot be controlled at home, transferring care to a physician may become necessary.

When should I call when I go into labor?

I liked to be notified when my clients go into labor. I may not go to their home right away if they don’t yet need me, but it helps me plan my day.

Will you attend a vaginal birth after a cesarean?

Yes, on a case by case basis. I have attended many VBAC births.

Is it safer to have my first baby in the hospital?

Women pregnant with their first child usually suffer the most in a hospital setting because of unnecessary interventions and cesarean sections. Since first time mothers tend to go past their due dates (41 weeks on average), they are susceptible to their doctors wanting to induce them. Inductions bring on unnaturally strong contractions which make the mother more likely to take narcotics and/or an epidural. These may lead to fetal distress which can ultimately end in a cesarean section.

What about breech babies?

During prenatal visits I check the position of the baby. If I find the position to be breech or transverse, we try to turn the baby naturally through chiropractic care (the Webster technique works well for this!), acupuncture, pelvic rocks and assessing what else your body may need to turn the baby.

Is my home too small for a homebirth?

I have attended births in large mansions and in one room shacks made our of cardboard with dirt floors. Whatever size home you have, I’m sure it’s not too small.

Will my home get messy from the birth?

We try to do the best we can with clean up. I keep all of the birth trash in one bag, I will start a load of laundry for you and if blood gets on the carpet, I am more than willing to scrap it out for you. I like to leave your home as clean as I can because this is the time when you should be focusing on bonding with your baby, not cleaning.

What do you do with the placenta?

Most of the time I leave the placenta with your to do what you want with it. If you absolutely don’t want it, I will take it and dispose of it for you. I will put it in a plastic bag and leave it in your freezer. Some people will plant the placenta under a bush or tree. (It’s wonderful fertilizer) Other clients will ask me to encapsulate their placenta for them and turn it into pill form. It’s wonderful for postpartum depression and increasing your milk supply.